Elegant design combined with outstanding performance they produce fresh drinking water and function as dehumidifiers and ionizers.
Without Ozone.
Hot & Cold Water Certified by the Greek General Chemical State Laboratory.
At Home
Get rid of the stress of water availability, storage, refrigerated bottles, plastic waste.
Now you can have crystal clear fresh drinking water, hot or cold, whenever you want with the ESTIA home /indoor units.
It covers all the needs of the family, safe and healthy for children, for cooking, for washing food.
Digital Display, with all necessary indications and low power consumption.
At the Office
ESTIA units produce crystal clear and fresh, ozone free water to your employees by offering:
- Low cost. Does not exceed 5 cents / liter
- no connection to water supply system unlike water coolers.
- storage space
- Reduction of labor hours from the process of ordering and transporting bottled water.
- Fresh air & low humidity, as they work together as ionizers & dehumidifiers.
- no waste management.
Στο Εξοχικό
Απαλλαγή από την αγορά, μεταφορά και αποθήκευση εμφιαλωμένου νερού.
Απαλλαγή από την συσσώρευση απορριμμάτων.
Αφύγρανση και καθαρισμός του αέρα στο εσωτερικό του εξοχικού.
Άμεσα καθαρό πόσιμο νερό με χαμηλό κόστος και χωρίς ανυσηχία διαθεσιμότητας.